To properly explain a subject, you have to have no bias towards that subject. Since we are directly and intimately involved in nature, it is contrary to reason that we would be able to explain it. Like we said in class, 'a structure built by a human could be compared to a structure built by a bird.' If a nest built for shelter and protection is defined as a part of nature, so are the homes and cities built by humans for that same purpose. Humanity and what we have/will create is directly tied to nature, so it is impossible to fully and clearly explain nature in its entirety.
The environment is equally difficult to explain since everyone has their own environment and their environment affects their development directly. It is the space we live in and the space in which we lived and our experiences in that enviornment that shaped us. The environment is nature and nurture combined. There are also types of environments in what I think of as the social category, i.e. urban and country, 'bad' and 'good' etc. Although 'bad' and 'good' environments are subjective categories, these are usually defined as enviornments which affect growth negatively and positively.
These environments are pretty easy to comprehend, but where it gets hard is understanding another person's personal environment. Its also pretty hard to unwrap ourselves from our own environments and experiences. Even if we do this, I think its infeasible that we can really understand or be aware of other people's environments because we have not been directly affected by them. Even when our environments become shared, its hard to understand their environment completely since they have their own experiences and pasts with which to shape their own personal environment... the great thing about interaction is when you meet someone you share environments, affect each other, and become part of their own personal environment and vice versa.
These questions are circles. It's a never ending answer. Whatever nature and environment are is personal. Since we are constantly involved in nature and our own environments, all of us are changing and affecting each other. All of us meaning humanity, nature, and environment.
Is it possible to have "no bias"?