The environment is the space in which all living things reside. Each living thing is defined by its environment. Life is dependent on the environment and when it changes, the living thing must adapt or it dies. For example, one cannot easily move a penguin to South America because its life is dependent on an cold, aquatic environment.
Nature is the life that exists within the environment; it is the penguin, the ice, and the cold. If nature is altered, the environment is compromised. They both work hand in hand. Man cannot alter nature, without changing the environment.
People enjoy rambling about global warming, and all that jazz...but the point of it all is that men are eventually going to be the destruction of the environment and nature.
Its our job to work together and keep things as natural as possible. Unfortnately so many people are unaware of their own environment or don't care. This is why environmental studies classes are so beneficial for all students. I hope we can all learn as much about the environment as possible from the point of view of many different directors this semester.
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