Sunday, October 9, 2011

Our Real Food Industry

After watching The Cove and seeing the way the Japanese government hid the truth about the dolphin slaughtering and the use of their meat to the Japanese public, I thought about the film Food, Inc that I saw about two years ago. This film shocked me. Not only does it brutally show the way cows and chickens are farmed for meat but it also shows what our government is hiding from us. The trailer says, "The industry doesn't want you to know the truth about what you're eating because if you knew, you might not want to eat it." If you want to see the truth about our food corporations and what we're really eating, you should definitely watch this film. This movie opened my eyes and made me think so much more about what I buy at the supermarket.


  1. This movie definitely looks really interesting. I have, for a while, questioned where our food comes from, and what unnatural alterations have been made to make it. Personally, and I know many people wonder this, as well, I wonder if the genetic alterations and added hormones in a lot of our food are at least partially at fault for a lot of medical problems such as autism, or food intolerances such as Celiacs Disease.

  2. This movie pretty much makes me never want to eat again. Although this movie presents good points, where is the line that we draw between what we need in our diet and what we shouldn't eat because this movie told us to? We need to eat healthy and be cognoscente of what we intake but this movie is a harsh reality. In a perfect world, we all should buy local and organic but its irrational. For everyone who has a Loyola meal plan, consider what you eat in the OR on a daily basis. It is essentially impossible to eat healthy everyday in the OR. This movie is terrifying because our health is at the hands of the food producers and what's accessible isn't always ideal. If Japan is serving toxic dolphin meat for school lunches, what is the OR serving us?

  3. I think Food Inc. is one of the most important documentaries to come out in the past few years. It demands a consciousness and education from a market of consumers who seem trapped in their choices. In America, where we boast some of the most advanced medical, social, and economic institutions, it is sick that many people know nothing about the food they consume and the abusive business behind much of these products. The most basic strategy in starting to revolutionize your consciousness about your place on the food chain is by thinking about your food as it exists from seed to plate. This transformation can result in a powerful awareness about your environment, your health, your society, your morality, and your general consciousness.

  4. Well after watching this and Soylent Green, I feel like I just need to have my own farm because it seems like we can’t trust the system to even regulate the food that is produced for us. We seem to be in the downward spiral of massive amounts of people needing to be fed, and the ability to make tons of money.

  5. It makes you realize the future is actually now.
