Calories and Food intake: Running could be the key to staying healthy. Jogging for about 30 minutes will burn about 400 calories. That's just a jog. I'm thinking 10 minute miles. Running can burn about 600 in 30 minutes. Multiply your body weight times about 13, and the answer is approximately how many calories you should eat in a day. I'm 145 lbs, so when I multiply that out it comes out to 1,885 calories. I was shocked when I discovered how much I should be eating in a day. Then I realized running 6-8 miles a day must take away at least 700 calories. If you plan on running that much without getting the right amount of calories, your body will begin to shut down. You might start hallucinating when you're running, or straight up pass out.
Mentality: The hardest part of running is dealing with your mind. Don't do treadmills. They're the devil. Don't do the indoor track. They're also the devil. Surprisingly, there's a lot less of a chance to get hurt if you're running on St.Charles unless you run into the traffic. If you're clumsy, there's probably no hope for you in the running world. I'm really clumsy. I've fallen in the middle of the street on St. Charles countless time, but since it's all mental, I decided to be a badasshoneybadger and not give a shit about falling. I just get back up and continue. It takes a minute to get back into the zone though.
What is the zone?
-The zone is another dimension that some people, such as myself, go into while running where they really don't pay attention to any of their surroundings. They just keep looking straight, or keep looking down and go into critical thought. It's like you get to explore the files that are only just acquainted with your mind. The ones that hide past the things that you're always thinking of. I've written whole essays in my head while running, because I recollect all of these ideas and things that I've learned throughout my 18 years that I've gathered about the topic and piece it all together. When I'm finished my run, I've got a great guideline for my paper. This is why it usually only takes me 2 hours for even the longest papers. I take thirty minutes to go for a run, 15 minutes for a shower, then all of the information just spouts out. I highly recommend going for a run when you've got a paper due or a test the next day. The week of finals, oh man, I'll be doing some running.
***Besides for "the zone" I really think that running is a good way to clear your mind. If you've got a problem, or if you've been upset, don't take drastic measures. Go out for a run; you'll feel free from everything. Indestructible.
More about mentality: Once you hit a certain point while running, you can run as long as you want. For me, after I run 6 miles, I'm good to run 12 miles. However, miles 1-3 are hell. I hate those because that's when you are like "ugh, do I really want to run?" After that, I'm usually good to go. Everyone is different though, but most people are capable of achieving the "runner's high." It's one of the best feelings I've ever had. I also recommend trying to see if you can get to this level.
I'll have more for you guys in my final project blog post.
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