How much do we value our senior citizens? Most of us don’t really think about this day-to-day,
We also have a chance to share our own opinions on subjects that may have not been introduced in their time. The issue of global warming or other environmental issues were not as relevant back in the days. Through our fresh eyes we have examples from numerous studies that our environments are being affected by our wasteful habits. Teaching people of all generations to respect our environment will have an impact in the long run. Teaching things that could be affective for everyday use is absolutely necessary. I spoke with a woman once at the center and we shared experience of rebuilding, the issues that arise, and more efficient options. It is interesting to me of how connected everyone in this city is to each other and to this city.
Citizens at Uptown Shepherds Center have access to computers and students work with them to share their abilities with computers. The elders have not been raised with these skills so it is wonderful to have these sessions to make the complicated less intense for them. The rewards of serving those who are older than me are numerous. We need to have a respect for those who are older than us no matter what. Today there is less respect; due to lack of interest for the past and more focus on the future. In the media there are ideas, which do not translate well to younger kids so this could be where some disrespect stems from in younger generations.
Challenges may be communicating with older people. By their late age they have gone through so much. There bodies have taken some wear and tears therefore are not in the same state they were in when they were young. A friend of mine did a gerontology exercise to understand how older people function. They had to put cotton in their ears, taped up their joints, black-eyed peas in shoes, and Vaseline on their glasses. I don’t know what that sounds like to you but doesn’t sound like much fun to me. I have a soft voice and even when I feel like I am yelling I am just talking loud. So this experience has helped me speak louder and helped me with my communication.
One day we ourselves will be older too and it is important for us to reach this realization. If we can learn from elders now of what is expected to come we will have a smoother transitions. Learning about issues that elders’ deal with we can acknowledge our families’ history of health issues. In order to spot signs we must know what to expect over time.
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