Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Whose brain is mush?

Finals are quickly approaching and I feel that I can make the conclusion that everyone's brain has turned to mush. I consider my finals workload to be incredibly light compared to my previous two semesters here at Loyola, so I can barely imagine what people with actual difficult classes/finals are going through. Side note, I'm sorry if this post makes no sense; I'm sort of rambling because, like I said, I can no longer form coherent thoughts on account of the fact that I haven't left the library in far too long.

Let's discuss the "finals studying" environment. I'm currently looking around the library observing people freaking out about this, not being prepared for that, and most of all, accumulating incredibly dark circles under both eyes due to lack of sleep/staring at their computer screen. Above me are these lovely fluorescent lights, which really encourages me to just jump right into my studies. I love when the lighting washes me out! I FEEL SO HOT! Just the way I like to feel when getting my study on.

So what can I do to adjust my "finals studying" environment and make this a little easier on myself? So far, I've come up with the following: stay in the library ALL NIGHT EVERY NIGHT until all my work is done. I've also come up with this: get my shit DONE so I can go home and forget about school for 25 days (yes, I counted; I leave Wednesday). If anyone has them, I am open to suggestions on how to more efficiently and less-stressfully study for my dreaded exams.

your friend and classmate

p.s. if anyone is in calculus or ecology and evolution and wants to study, let me know
p.p.s. I never thought I would be excited to return to the bitter cold of beautiful Chicago, but as long as there are no exams/fluorescent lights, I AM THERE.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I really hate hate hate the library. I realize that we have finals but why do some professors give us finals and final papers? And more importantly why do some of them make them due before finals week has begun?
    Thank you Prof. Bell for not making our paper due today instead of Thursday. I might have cried. On top of that, why are both of my language finals on the same day!!!! I don't mean to rant but of course I'm procrastinating from going to the library.
    Good luck everyone and see you Wednesday night for the last minute film paper cram session in the library.
